"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hello there,

So I've been asked a lot by everyone as to why I decided to go into the Peace Corps and what I'll be doing when I'm gone, so I decided I'll answer some of those questions here before I leave. Keep in mind there is still a lot that I don't know yet and will update when I find out. So...why I wanted to join the Peace Corps, to me it didn't really feel like a decision it just seemed like something I had to do in my life that I would regret if I didn't at least try it out. I love being able to help people and I really feel that the PC is a great opportunity for me to serve people and the world and really make a difference in peoples lives, oh and get to travel which I'm known to do when given the chance. I believe that people should find something they are passionate about in life and I think I've found the calling in mine by getting this awesome chance to serve people in a third world country and also learn about a very different culture than ours in America.

I've been waiting for this experience for about 4 years now and can't believe that it's only about a month away! I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm only nervous about all the things that I have to do before I leave and don't want to forget anything! But really I'm not nervous about moving away for 2 years. Yes, of course I'll miss everyone like crazy and thats why I can't stress enough to keep me updated any way that you can!!

As for what I'll be doing in Madagascar is still somewhat of a mystery to me haha. I'm an agroforestry volunteer which sounds cool to me and I'm supposed to be working at the grassroots level with rural communities, which mostly means farmers and other organizations such as their park and forest services. Some things that I could possibly be doing would be reforesting areas, cropping, soil restoration, and farming. Sounds like fun, right? haha I'm excited about it and hope to learn a lot so that I can help the people there have a sustainable food source. I can't even imagine not having enough food to live off of. Just goes to show there is a lot of work still to be done in this world and I'm more than willing to help!

Hope this answers some questions and let me know if you have any more!


Anonymous said...

you're awesome. i would totally love to go to madagascar. i hear there are talking animals there. one of them sounds a lot like that guy that plays ross on "friends." i hope you get to meet him.

just kidding. i know madagascar is just a fictional place. where are you really going?


Dededededededede said...

wow this is the biggest trap...bigger than the roadside trap and the airplane trap

gwen (bff) said...

in my conservation ecology class last semester, we learned that madagascar is a "hot spot" for indigenous species...so try not to kill any of them while you're over there.

Anonymous said...

So I finally opened one of your emails and found out i was invited to your blog! wooohooo! it's so exciting that you get this amazing opportunity and if i wasn't still in high school i would of gone with you.. but i was just saying hey and getting acquainted with your blog because i have the feeling i will be posting many comments in the future

Elaine said...

I feel so lucky to have been invited to leave a comment on your blog! Hopefully, I will be checking your blog and leaving you many, many comments during the next two years while you are away. I will let you know the lastest 'Lexington News' that I know you just love hearing about. :) haha... Jules & I are really going to miss you- but have fun and take tons of pictures.... as I know you will! Can't wait to see what the next two years have in store for you! Good luck!


Brittany is solely responsible for the content of this blog; the views herein expressed are hers alone and are not necessarily those of the Peace Corps or of the United States Government.